Sunday, September 13, 2009

I am a Rock Star

Hello everyone!

So, most of you probably know that I had the opportunity to be on Good Things Utah last week. I was super excited about it, and so, I made a blog about it. You know, as you do. So, anyway, here is my vlog:

You can also see my TV debut here

1 comment:

dan radke said...

Ha, funny shit. I'm very happy for you getting on TV. And that was very 80's chic. Or something. I'm supposed to be a guy.

One suggestion that I know you'll ignore since I believe you said so in your first vlog, but oh well- practice talking faster. Your best moments are when you have a good idea and you spit it out really fast, but that only happens a few times. The rest of the time you're like,

Hey guys
I got
to a tv show
for a


But anyway, yay welcome back! Muchluf!