do I want to start this blog? I am unsure. This blog has the specific intent to set everyone up for the slew of blogs that will be coming in about 3 weeks that will be mushy and sappy and full of pictures, and to introduce someone who is very important to me. I guess let me refer back to a little blog entitled something like "I have been thinking a lot lately..." Or something to that effect. I believe that in that blog, I set out some rules and guidelines that I was looking for in a significant other. Lets review:
#1. Must have accent.
#2. Must love musicals and old movies.
#3. Must be able to dance..or willing to try to learn
#4. Must be Quirky.
#5. Must be willing to write me notes/give flowers/do cute thing
#6. Must Not be Gay
I think that I have found a man who fits into every catagory, and more.
#1. The accent, I know, was one of my most crucial points. But, his Jersey accent is incredibly adorable, and sweet, and not thick at all, which is good. It is just enough for this little Lindsay to swoon over :)
#2. He not only loves musicals, he is musical! He can finish almost any song that I start to sing randomly, or can at least tell me what musical it is from. He even knew what "Once on this Island" was when I had never heard of it. He has also been in musicals, and in the orchestra for musicals. Which, I of course, think is amazing.
#3. He can dance, and not only dance, knows how to ballroom dance. Hello!
#4. He is quirky enough to meet my quirkiness.
#5. In the time that I have known him, he has been very sweet, and has made sure that he made me feel wanted every single day by just doing the little things like texts. He plans AMAZING surprises, and has made me feel so special. There have been times when I have not known how to respond with words because I am so blown away by how sweet he is.
#6. I know what you are all thinking. There is no way that there is a guy like this who is straight. Well. He is. True story.
These were the few guidelines that I set up just a while ago. However, my boy most certainly surpasses these by leaps and bounds. He is an elementary school music teacher, so, I mean really, how freaking adorable is that? He is extremely talented, and can sing, play piano, guitar, bass, banjo and probably more, and is good at all of them. Oh, and did I mention that most of them are self taught. He writes songs that are good. Can juggle. Runs regularly (the other day he ran 12 miles, and I was tired just thinking about it, but it is amazing to me). Oh, and is freaking hot. And did I mention amazing? Cause he is. He is very smart, and our personalities mesh very well. Like, our first conversation, we had a full on theoretical discussion about Harry Potter, and whether or not Snape would have befriended Harry had he lived. He didn't even KNOW that Harry Potter was the way to my heart. It was just....him....
His name is Duane, and he is my boy. And I am swept away.
I know you are all like, oooo what does he look like? Well, I will have more pics and more stories coming in the next few weeks, but here is a sneak peek for now...
I know right. Freaking cute. Freaking, freaking adorable.
Repurpose Tomato cages
10 years ago